Best vehicles to Own in GTA Online

Grand Theft Auto or GTA needs no introduction, as a teen, i had invested countless hours driving through the neon colored streets of Vice City or driving off from the peak of mount chilliad in San Andreas.

GTA V is no such exception, in-fact it is the best selling entertainment product in the history of mankind. According to a report by MarketWatch, GTA V has now sold more than 90 million copies and generated over  $6 billion in revenue since its initial release in 2013. It is the third best selling game of all time, only bested by Tetris ( 500 million copies ) and Minecraft ( 176 million copies ). Source : IGN

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GTA V has broken 7 Guinness World records ( read the complete story below )

GTA V, even though it was released back in 2013 still continue to dominate sales charts and even after 7 years since it's launch continues to sell like ice-cream on a summer day, partly because of its solid single-player campaign and awesome game mechanics and partly because of its dynamic, ever-evolving online world.

I purchased GTA V back in December 2017 and have been playing it since then. Ever since
Epic games gave-away free copies of GTA V few days ago, there has been an exponential increase in the number of players logging in GTA online lobby and in my personal experience, when I started playing GTA online, I was overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the content Rockstar has put into it and the huge array of vehicles in its roster.

Since almost every good vehicle in GTA online costs millions of in-game dollars, I from my own experience have constructed a list of the best / must have vehicles in GTA online so as to help all the new players that are joining the game.

The list is : 

1. Annis Elegy RH8

The Annis Elegy RH8 is a sports car that heavily resembles the Nissan GT-R (R35). This car is on top of this list because its free of cost, you don't need any money to buy it, you only need a garage for it to be delivered to you.

Even though it is free of cost, it is a very competitive car in the sports car category and a fully upgraded one can even out perform the Pariah if the track has many twists and turns instead of straight lines. It can be purchased from the Legendary Motorsport website for $0.

Also, it can also be converted in the Elegy Retro Custom in Benny's.

2. Buzzard Attack Helicopter

The Buzzard is a light attack helicopter with exceptional  maneuverability and a good top speed. It is armed with dual-front facing mini-guns and ability to fire guided or un-guided rockets, firing two rockets at a time followed by a short reload.

The best part of the Buzzard is that it can be spawned instantly via the interaction menu if the player is a CEO, although first it had to be bought from the Warstock Cache & Carry Website  for $2,500,000.

Buzzard firing it's missile

Although it is expensive but it is a very versatile helicopter, especially it's ability to be spawned anywhere instantly is a boon against griefers and also helps in doing missions in public lobby  as well as carry out your business effectively and efficiently. Plus, it can rain hell onto your enemies and is also swift enough for you to engage in hit-and-run tactics but don't run head-on into enemies as it is a light helicopter and will blow-up if it got hit by a single missile or any explosives.

3. Deluxo / Oppressor / Oppressor MK II

The Deluxo in flight mode

The Imponte Deluxo is a weaponized flying vehicle that has appe both in the 3D as well as HD universe of GTA.

In both the versions, the Deluxo resembles the Delorean DMC-12, an 80's sports car that is very beautiful to look at but equally dangerous to drive. The DMC-12 was made famous and a movie legend, thanks to the Back the Future franchise.

Since this is only about the Deluxo that appreas in GTA online, you can find the info regarding the 3D universe version of deluxo here.

The Deluxo in hover mode

In the HD universe, the Deluxo is by far the most unique vehicle to have in GTA online. It is a flying car that can be weaponized to have two front-facing machine guns as well as a homing launcher that contains 30 missiles.

The Deluxo in car mode

In car mode, it behaves just like a sports classic with decent acceleration and a moderate top-speed and decent handling.
 In hover mode, the wheels fold upwards and the car levitates above ground, but  it travels more slowly than in the normal car mode, although with the hover mode, it is possible to make very sharp turns and also to travel above water.
Once entering hover mode, when pushed upwards, the car enters flight mode, signaled by the 4 small wings emerging from the body and the car can then sour through the air.

All in all, the Deluxo is one of my favorite vehicles in GTA online as it has so much potential and has helped me in many import/export missions and other public lobby missions. It can be brought from the  Warstock Cache & Carry Website  for $4,72,500 or $3,550,000( trade price ).

The Oppressor / Oppressor MK II are essentially the two-wheel version of the Deluxo, although I haven't bought them since I am more of a car guy than a bike guy but you can read about both of them in the links provided below

4. Dewbauchee Vagner

The Dewbauchee Vagner is a 2-door supercar, that quite frankly has allowed me to win races more than any vehicle that I have ever used. The Vagner heavily resembles the Aston Martin Valkyrie prototype and is therefore, a lightweight and a very agile supercar.

It has great handling, great acceleration and is one of the fastest cars in the game. Combine that with its extremely gorgeous body and a $1,535,000 price tag ( available on Legendary Motorsport website ), the Vagner is a bargain for that price as it is actually one of the cheapest supercars available yet it is one of the best, if not the best if in the hands of a pro, the supercar for races. Plus, it is a very fun car to just roam around the map.

5. TM-02 Khanjali

The TM-02 Khanjali is an advanced tank that was featured in the doomsday heist of GTA online.
It's a tank, everyone should have a tank in GTA online as the public lobby is basically a warzone. 
Plain and simple, if you can afford it, buy it

Price : $3,850,350
           $2,895,000 ( trade price )

Where to buy : Warstock Cache & Carry Website.

6. Benefactor Terrorbyte

The Benefactor Terrorbyte is a command truck that was added in the after hours update of GTA online.

Basically it is a must have vehicle in GTA online because when you level-up and earn money, you invest in various businesses in the game to in-turn earn more money. Each business has it's own dedicated building from which you can do business related missions.

Since, the businesses are scattered throughout the map and the map is huge, it can be a real pain in the arse to move from one business to another, so the terrorbyte comes into play here.

Through the nerve centre of the terrorbyte, you can access all your businesses at once, all from the same location and accept and indulge in business related missions without having to traverse the entire map back and forth.

The nerve centre inside the terrorbyte

It is a real time saver but only buy it if you have multiple businesses and also in order to buy it, you should also own a nightclub as it can only be stored in the nightclub.

Price : $1,375,000 ( base )
           $3,459,000 ( fully kitted )

Where to buy : Warstock Cache & Carry Website.

7. Ocelot Pariah

The Ocelot Pariah is a sports car that was added as a part of the doomsday heist update.

For $1,420,000 ( Legendary Motorsport ) you get the most broken car in the game, as it is a sports car but it is the fastest, non-boosted car in the game and can put other supercars to shame in a straight line. It is the go to car for the sports car races as it can easily dominate other cars but it is quite difficult to control around corners.

Plus, in the looks department, it is a very handsome car with very good customization options.

So people, there you have it, the list of the must-own vehicles for players in GTA online.

If you like my content, then go ahead and subscribe as well as follow as it will allow me to make more content.

Also, feel free to drop in your views and opinions and also drop your username in the comments or add me in GTA online.

My I'D is flameborg.

All the images used are my in-game screenshots except mentioned otherwise.


  1. Deluxo / Oppressor / Oppressor MK II - I like it... Although I have not been a gaming-freak, but it does have a class and taste. And when taste matters, price is nothing.... BTW, it seems to be a great effort work being done by you. Highly appreciated....

    1. Yes, price doesn't matter if one thing resonates with you.
      Thank you for your love and support

  2. Again nailed it 🔥❤️

  3. Really Nice bro! Keep up the good work!

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