Koenigsegg One:1

Overview The Koenigsegg One:1 has a special place in the car community. Not only it is made by one of the most exclusive and visionary car companies since the turn of the century, but it also managed to pull-off a feat previously unheard of and is still the only production car in the world that can make a "dream" or "ideal" equation practical. Rear quater view of the Koenigsegg One:1 The Koenigsegg One:1 has a hp-to- kerb weight ratio of 1:1 , i.e., it produces 1hp/kg of kerb weight of the car. For example : The Mclaren P1 has power to weight ratio of 0.6. Mind blown right! The One:1 produces 1360 hp with the kerb weight of 1360 kg ( complete car ready with 50% fuel and 100% fluids ). The One:1 with its iconic dihedral syncho helix doors ajar The One:1 is also the first homologated production car in the world to produce 1 megawatt of power, thereby making it the world's first "megacar". Specifications The One:1 is a mi...