The Most Iconic Vehicles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU )

" Avengers Assemble " The line that flooded us with emotions against the awesome score of Alan Silvestri during the climactic battle of earth in Avengers : Endgame . For me, personally this scene is by far the most iconic and exhilarating scene in the MCU, considering the plethora of jaw dropping scenes in the MCU ( Thor's entry in Wakanda , I am Iron man, etc.. ). Well, apart from the stunning visuals and amazing set pieces, the MCU also showcased some of the best vehicles as seen on the big screen. So, without any particular order, here is the list of my personal opinion on the most iconic vehicles in the MCU :- V16 Hydra Schmindt Roadster ( Captain America : The First Avenger ) V16 Hydra Roadster Image Source : The intimidating ride of choice for the equally intimidating Johann Schmidt aka Red skull, the V16 Hydra Roadster remarkably encapsulates the t...